Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Easter

What you are going to need for this Tut is scrap kit of your choice or the one I'm using

Eggcetera P/U kit by Honored Scrap purchase here:

Tube of your choice.

Lets get started...

Open a new 600 X 500 transparent image

Copy and paste frame number 3 resize by 70% all layers unchecked

On frame layer with magic wand click in center of frame

Select modify expanded by 5 copy paper from kit as new layer invert hit delet

select none move under frame layer

Copy and paste one of the blossom branches resize by 30% move on top of frame look at

my example for placement layers duplicate image mirror move on top of bow.

Copy and paste rabbit2 or tube of choice resize rabbit by 30% place on center frame.

Copy and paste ducky and resize by 30% and place in the first frame.

Copy and paste rabbit #1 resize by 30% and place in last frame.

Add and elements that you wish. Merge visible add copywright information and name

and your done.. I hope you enjoyed my tut

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Supplies need for this tut Scrap kit of choice or the one I used About Girls by Scrap Dimensions

Tube of choice I'm using the wonderful art of Alan Stevens

Mask WSL246 by Chelle vist her blog

1. Open a new 500 X 500 transparent image

2. Fill with white

3. Copy and paste paper About Girls #6 or paper of choice.

4. Apply mask WSL 246 or mask of your choice

5. Copy and paste Diamond ring as a new layer and drop shadow I used 1,1,50,2

6. Copy and paste Ribbon #1 or one of your choice, resize by 85% 3 times and move down

see my example for placement. Add the same drop shadow

7. Copy and Paste flower and resize by 85% move to the right move under ribbon layer

8. Copy and paste shoe resize by 30% move to right over the ribbon layer. Add same drop


9. Copy and paste purse of choice resize by 20% move to right add same drop shadow.

10. Add tube make sure you paste under ribbon layer resize as needed.

11. Add copy write information and your name and your done.

Tag I Created With Some of my Favorite Scrap Designers

Pastel Easter by: (Tootsie Creationz)

Asian Elegence Scrap Kit by:
(Joyful Moments Designs)

Spring Sensations Scrap kit (Wench Designs)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Imagine I Love You


This tutorial was written by me and with my own imagination any similarity is purely coincidental.

I used F/U scrap kit by Sentimental Style called IMAGINE you can get it Here

I’m using the lovely art work by Keith Garvey you can purchase here

Font I used Harrington

Open new image 500 x 500 transparent fill will white.

Copy and paste paper #2 as a new image

Mask of your choice I used WSL-81
Apply mask merge group

Open frame with ribbon copy and paste as a new layer add drop shadow of choice I used 1,1, 50,
Resize 85%

Open doodle art select all select float/defloat copy and past paper #2 invert hit delete on your

key board. Delete original doodle copy and paste new doodle as a new layer move under fame

duplicate layer image mirror image flip merge down. Add same drop shadow

Back to frame layer get magic wand and click on openings of frame copy and paste paper of your

choice from kit as a new layer select modify expanded by 5 invert hit delete on your key board
and move under frame.

Back to frame layer click on middle of frame copy and paste tube, select invert delete move picture under frame, paste tube again. Resize 85% add same drop shadow.

Move frame to right of frame. Add any elements you like. Add name and copy write.

merge all layers and save your done…

I hope you enjoyed this tut Because it's my first one I have written

Orange Beauty


Orange Beauty

This tut was created by me and of my own Imagination any Similarity is purely coincidental.

Scrap kit I used is a P/U kit from Joyful Moments Designs; Stop by here blog and check out her AWESOME kits..

Tube for this tut is by Ken Martin

1.) Open 600 x 500 blank image fill with white.
2.) copy paper paper #pp10, paste as a new layer.
3.)load mask 20,20 the mask I used but use a mask
of your choice.
4.)Open JoyfulMoments EL18 frame paste as a new layer
5.)Resize mask by 75% all layers unchecked.
6.)Add drop shadow for choice. I used 1,1,50,2
7.)Take magic wand click inside frame, Selection,expand by 5
8.)Open paper-PP04 paste as new layer invert, hit delete, move
under frame.
9.)move frame and paper down just a little.
10)copy and paste tube of your choice duplicate tube move orginal
under frame, grab selection tool rectangle, select the part of the
tube you want to get rid of hit delete do that on both tube layers.
11)Now add elements of choice.
12)Add name and copy write and merge all layers and save.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Tags designs made with PU scrap kit by TootsieCreationz
called Pastel Easter you can purchase kit at her store.

Click on preview to visit her store.
